Detailed costs of a funeral
Burial costs comprise in-house and external services. External services include costs such as cemetery and hospital charges; the exact expense depends on each individual situation (especially with regard to your choice of cemetery). The in-house costs constitute the expenses of the funeral ceremony.
The lowest costs will be incurred by cremation and storage of the urn at home. Another affordable option is a tree burial, in which nature takes care of the grave and no cemetery charges apply.
We are happy to discuss the various types of burial and options for funeral ceremonies (to suit a range of budgets) and can provide you with a transparent overview of costs.
If you require further assistance please contact us!
Avoiding higher funeral costs
We offer a fair price and provide a transparent overview of expenses throughout the planning process, ensuring that no hidden or unexpected costs will arise. It is also sensible to guarantee secure planning in advance. Funeral insurance allows you to relieve your family of a great burden, sparing them any concern about expenses during their time of grief.
Costs of burial in Munich
Personal assistance is our byword. To have an individual discussion of burial costs, arrange a personal consultation at one our location in Munich.
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