Funeral insurance and funeral plan

A funeral plan following your beliefs

We can all agree that death is a part of life. Many people find it difficult to speak about their own mortality. Often, people put off talking about the end of their life until it is too late.


In such cases, everything is three times as hard for the surviving family members: along with their grief and the numerous decisions that they will have to make with regard to the burial and funeral ceremony, they will also have to deal with doubt.


What type of funeral would the deceased really have wanted? There are numerous options besides burial and cremation for paying your final respects.


People who refuse to talk about their own deaths are not doing their relatives any favours. The more the family know about the deceased’s wishes for their funeral and burial, the easier everything will be when death occurs. It is important to give serious thought to your funeral while you are still alive, and plan as much of it as possible yourself. You will be able to make plans regarding the type of burial, funeral ceremony, music, etc. Funeral insurance will also help provide financial security. We offer you the option of providing finance for your burial yourself, so that in the event of your death, your surviving family will not need to worry about expenses.

In our experience, funeral plans mean the family will have an easier time organising the funeral, fewer mistakes will be made and total funeral expenses will ultimately be reduced. Studies show that surviving relatives will be able to process their grief more easily if the stress associated with the funeral is reduced.


Arrange a personal consultation today to discuss your funeral plan

More on preventive care with Himmelblau

Home visits

After a death, people often find themselves in an isolated situation. We will be happy to visit you, in your own home.


Funeral plans mean the family will have an easier time organising the funeral, fewer mistakes will be made and relatives will be able to process their grief more easily.